
How it all began

The following is a letter of my introduction to babywearing and how it has changed my life.  This letter was written in June of 2010.

Ever since Kylan was born, 4 moths ago, I have had a difficult time.  I have found that my temper with him would flair easily.  I discovered that I couldn’t handle it when he was screaming for no apparent reason.  I would have to put him down, screaming, turn and leave the room.  It would tear me apart to turn my back on my child and that I would get so upset with him.  Jentri caught wind of the 2010 International Babywearing Conference, she went to a group meeting and brought a mai tai home for me to try, thinking that it would help Kylan and I bond.  We tried, tried, and tried.  Each time resulted in a mad, screaming baby and an extremely frustrated father.  I went to the conference hopeless in bonding with my child.  I figured I would have to start over with our next, which again tore at my heartstrings.  After day one I went home excited about wearing Kylan, again I tried and tried and tried.  Only resulting in an extremely mad baby with a broke down father.  Day two, I went to the conference determined to get help and not stopping until my desires were satisfied.  I sat up a lot of the previous night reflecting upon my relationship with Kylan, how I hold him versus Jentri, and how he is the happiest.  On day two in our soft structure carriers’ class we discovered not that Kylan does not like the carrier but rather the position in which I was putting him.  He liked to be on my hip where he can see out and interact with the world and me, and yet be able to pull away if he wants.  After this realization we put him in a Scootababy which he did not like until I took a walk down the hall.  Kylan immediately calmed down and began to look around as if he was enjoying it.  I was amazed!  He then snuggled into my chest and I began to cry right in the hallway.  Next I tried out a ring sling, he still loved it!  I wanted to kiss all of those ladies!  I walked out of that room completely a new man.  To top it all off as we were leaving for lunch we noticed that Hotslings were giving away pouches.  I had seen these used but hadn’t had the chance to try one out.  I called a lady over to help me pick out my size and we put Kylan into it.  Of course, he loved it and off to lunch we went.  I would only take him out so mom could feed him and then back in he would go.  In an hour or so he fell asleep in the pouch and my heart has never been so full.  This has changed my life dramatically!  I now have more patience and am more willing to work with him.  I am completely sold on babywearing and am ready to spread this joy to everyone and anyone.  My heart is so full of love and gratitude toward those ladies who were willing to spend time with me and help me gain a better relationship with my son.  I have a feeling that this is only a start of a long and beautiful life filled with carrying my children.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Eric Oba said...

Thank you for sharing that. We don't yet have a baby for me to wear, but I will definitely be learning to do this. In alot of the books I've read it seems like the best way to develop a good relationship.

Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

i babysit a little man who spent a lot of time in the sling. he will now at 14months bring me the sling to hold him and colin who I wore a lot as a baby, ( I borrowed my cousins storchenweichen and loved it though I don't think i spelled it right.) Will still at two year old ask to be in a sling especially when he is sad. I love baby and toddler wearing!

Mountain Mama said...

Babywearing is AMAZING (even though sometimes I just don't want someone attached to me... ;)) But, it sure makes a TON of difference! WE love the Boba 3G (and the Action and the Moby wrap, etc. )