
All Free and Clear Review / Give-Away

The winner of our All Free and Clear Give-away is........ Shawna Andreasen!  Congratulations!!!

Spring is finally here! Flowers are in bloom and the grass is green which makes it a great time to be outside. Unfortunately with the spring weather also comes spring allergens :o(  And unfortunately some of us have to be aware of this.

We've had fun the past few weeks getting outside, playing at parks, and doing fun things like going to the zoo and watching the cotton wood fluffies fly. I can only imagine all of the other allergens we haven't been able to see hanging out in our clothes after a long day outside in the sunshine. In fact, according to a recent study, on a peak pollen day up to 7 million pollen grains can get trapped on a large t-shirt. Luckily All® was kind enough to send us something to help wash those allergens away, a bottle of All® Free and Clear. Not only has it been great at getting out every dirty thing a little boy can get into, but it's also nice to know that it's helping reduce allergens that are hanging out in the things that hang out closest to us... our clothes. All® Free and Clear removes 99% of the top seasonal and everyday allergens including: tree and grass pollen, ragweed pollen and dog and cat dander.  The other great thing about this detergent is that it works with any washing machine: front loader, top loader, HE, non-HE, and even the good ole' wash board, if you are into that kind of thing.

We prefer not to use detergents with fragrances, dyes, or fillers for many reasons. It doesn't quite go with our cloth diapering lifestyle because that stuff can build up in your washer and end up in your diapers and cause all sorts of problems. There is also potential for skin sensitivities around those parts and we don't need to be adding to the issue. So, All® Free and Clear is a great choice for us.

All® was kind enough to let us share some All® Free and Clear with one of our readers. In addition to a free bottle of this great detergent All® is allowing us to give away a fantastic picnic basket kit so you and your family can have a great way to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. 

And now for the fun part….The GIVEAWAY!!!
We are giving you multiple ways to enter and allowing for multiple entries.
Each of the following options are worth one entry.
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After accomplishing your entries please leave a separate comment below for each entry. 
The give-away period will close on Friday, June 8th @ 10pm Mountain Standard time.
Please provide us with your email in the comments so we can award the winner.  Follow this format to deter the spammers out there surfing the web "backcountryparenting at gmail dot com" spelling "at" and "dot."  
We are looking forward to sending out this great picnic kit the the lucky winner!

**All® Free and Clear does not prevent or mitigate allergy symptoms and is not intended to treat or prevent allergies.**

*A Picnic kit and sample of All® Free and Clear was provided to us by All for our honest review. The opinions in this post are our own and were not prompted by All®.*